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Super Adaptive

4.8 ( 2128 ratings )
Näringsliv Produktivitet
Utvecklare: Cameo
19.99 USD

This app contains dozens of coaching videos to use Super adaptive, in order to do projects 4 to 6 times faster. No joke! This app doesnt replace a real coach, but you can make a good start and give it a try yourself. Never tried, never know. Try and improve. Its easy!

Super adaptive is a common sense way of doing innovation easier, faster, cheaper and more fun, with better results. In this way, you earn sooner from your results and it is a lot easier to adapt to a fast changing world. It is based on agile principles and simplified to the extreme with only 4 repetitive steps in very short cycles of mostly just 1 hour. Everybody can do it, on any subject. Basically, it is a clever try and improve process, like how we have learned to swim, to play the guitar etc.

Although originally meant for businesses, Super adaptive is extremely useful for private purposes to achieve any goal or change in your life. The app contains all the videos so you can watch them smoothly anywhere. Start to save a lot of time, save a lot of money and have more fun creating change! Enjoy!

Super adaptive is invented by Trieu Huynh from The Netherlands, after years of creative projects and agile experience and is considered the next big thing after scrum. Trieu has coached teams for all sorts of businesses around the world including in Amsterdam, London and Taipei.